No, no, don't do that, just don't.
I've SEEN you using it on him repeatedly and unecassarily. And I ain't got time to lie.
Hey, a jab here and there for the bantz is one thing, but constantly and with no reason other to cajole him? Only to then DENY doing what you did and why you did it when busted?
Now that's one thing (ok, maybe 1 of 2 or maybe 4) I can't stomach, as witnessed by my awesome tagline (from the Book of Modda, Modda 1:1 - the only line in the book),
"Lo the sin of hypocrisy, for it is hypocrisy from whence all sin doth proceedeth."
If you wanna swing your big man balls, then by all means, swing 'em. If not, then put them things away.
It always made me laugh how even the most elaborately planned of devious activities got the blueprints tossed out the window the second Mrs Anderson walked back into the classroom. "W-W-We didn't do nuthin" said Joey and his henchmen, Doofus and Doofusser. Fhuck shit, Joey, ya done did it, had a good/bad laugh, now zip it and and take the beaming ya asked for. Ain't like anything was gonna change with Sister Josephine once they got to the principal's office, and their folks ain't gonna do shit because that's why those ornery shitters became shitters in the first place.
AKA Wanna be a man, be a man. If not, then not. Done.
Now watch ME get a timer for telling it like it is to an Untouchable Memer yet again.
See y'all on Wednesday!