Again, currency must be bought first (via Treasury Bills) in order for it to be monetized and enter circulation. It has no value otherwise, regardless how much is printed. Zero.
No, Netflix will not cost that. It won't even be around anymore. Yes, that fad got a 2nd boost with streaming as DVD rentals went passe, but that only makes it that much more overdue for the next fad to replace it. Add to that a big production series of its own or two to fail, and it is done for.
Your argument is about consumers looking to cheat via Netflix as opposed to paying production compainies directly for their product. Sure, a few pennies go to them for each rental, but given the billions Netflix makes, studios are getting shortchanged by that ripoff, so no pity need be spared for those thieves and their thieving clientale.
Also Capt Dinglebert Byedone is going to have the Federal Reserve raise interests next year, and that will lead to inflation going down. In June too, just in time to not have enough effect by the midterms.
Almost seems like he wants 'the other' party to take over...