revealed by his press secretary, as giving as facts, but sure CNN reported it so they made it up.
That is what fox does, they dont report the news, they make up the news and report it as facts.
yes, i do watch the news and people that have first hand knowledge are coming forward. Did you know his lap princess and Jr, Hannity all said he needed to make a statement, and that the country needed him to lead on this... Cant wait to find out who organized this, who paid for it and how did Hannity and Bannon know what was going to happen a day before it happened?
Nothing says 100% truth like "revealed on CNN" from a disgruntled former employee who is likely *still* trying to sell her tell-all book a few months after its publication.
the chants to hang the VP, a noose on the hill, Kill Pelosi, breaking windows, first time in history the Confederate Flag was flown inside the Capital, Bear spray and flack jackets- that's a normal day at the Wal-Mart
Still, what does that have to do with the point of the meme? Are you suggesting that Republicans are pushing Covid to take people's mind off the mostly peaceful protest? cause that would be really ignorant of even the most basic facts. almost like a troll
unvaxed people she be treated by non masked COVID positive dr's. i mean why not, it is a fake virus anyway and after the election you wont even hear about it.