Nay and nay.
1. The IMGFLIP_DMV has been well-managed by its founders. I’ve seen no indication that Scar even wants to do it (being the Owner of this stream is probably enough of a chore). If there are ever any irregularities at the DMV, and I haven’t seen any, Scar ultimately has the final say on which ballots count. I have to conclude this proposal is nothing more than meddling driven by your personal dislike of OP and Surly. As Founder of a sister institution, the IMGFLIP_BANK, I believe the elected government ultimately has the right to remove and replace personnel, but I don’t want it being done willy-nilly for no good cause shown.
2. Lol no. Those who haven’t even shown the bare minimum of interest in PRESIDENTS stream required to post a single image shouldn’t have as much of a say as those who have. Another proposal intended to consolidate your power here by recruiting Memechat Empire voters who don’t know anything about this stream and have no proven commitment to staying.