I'm sure you're a busy citizen with a lot of responsibilities and not a lot of time. also, these days especially, how do you know who to trust when so many people post their opinions online anonymously and/or without giving their sources? so i recommend relying instead on the most fabulous computer on the planet: your human brain. first let's get out the instruction manual...
apparent question number one: do masks work? your brain says to itself 'well, they either do or they don't [i hear your voice as Mr. Ed, which may or may not be the case] and it serves me best to believe that they don't'. but the question your brain *should* be asking first is 'how are masks supposed to work?' this is something you can google and get logical, detailed answers. once you've done that, the question of 'do masks work?' can be answered much more independently and profitably.
question number three (or apparent question number two): is it possible for the death count to rise even if masks work? a simple soul would jump to the conclusion that 'that's not possible', but it doesn't take much deep thought to realize that it's easily possible when half the country's not masking and well over a third of the country is still not vaxxed.
and as for those pesky vaccines: did you know that they change the flu vaccine every year? and why? because new variants of the flu emerge by mutation every year and the vaccines have to address those new mutants. it's the same with covid. too many boneheads around the world didn't mask and didn't vax, giving the original strain enough time to mutate in ways that the current vaccines can handle.
you've got to stop blaming the people who are actively trying to solve the problem. or you should, anyway. put your efforts into addressing the actions of those boneheads whose boneheadedness has gotten us into this effing mess.