Standard Superhero saves the day/world/Manhattan trope, but gets falsely accused of being the bad guy because while fighting and turning the bad guys in for custody, he broke some windows, dented the roof of a cab, and left a really big pothole in the street in the middle of Times Square with a fire hydrant gushing into it so in the sequel everyone hates him now and he has to prove himself by doing it all over again leaving an opening for Pt.III, or in the case of Spiderman, sequel, reboot, who knows anymore since the plethora outnumber even Rocky movies.
Can't start a Spidey, Superman, Batman, Hulk, Godzilla... movie without it.
ok, I haven't seen it (and found out on tv yesteray I haven't seen the 2019, 2018, and probably a dozen more either nor ever will), but same old same old, most likely starring Tom 'My Shoulders Aren't 6.5" Inches Wide Anymore' Hardy is some capacity that's just as annoying as Shinzon still is only with a tenth the personality.
Never mind me, I ramble.