Welp, I'm particularly intrigued with these comparisons thing so here I go again,
Aight so, it's a 2v1, one A-10 vs a ship girl and a dragon girl, it's going to be very challenging for the A-10, the reason so was because unlike last time, Enterprise (the ship) can now utilize her anti-aircraft weaponry to the fullest extent, plus her aircraft can now confidentially attack the target without getting her in the crossfire, not to mention her CXAM search radar that can detect aircrafts from 110km away, she also has a friend now, a dragon, I've tried looking for more info about that dragon but couldn't find anything except a comic strip so I'll use estimation and a little bit of imagination, the dragon's about the size of a small business jet (10m length and 14m wingspan), has fire breathing ability with an effective range of about 100m at best, a max speed of about 482km/h, and a maneuverability close to that of the Spitfire.
However this doesn't spell impossibility for the A-10, Enterprise has the capable but rather antiquated F6F-5 Hellcats as it's main fighter plane, which is less faster than the A-10 and cannot sustain as much energy in a dogfight, they're also not as armored as the A-10, the 30mm GAU-8/A can simply delete the Hellcats from the sky, and then there's the AiM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile, that'll make even shorter work of the Hellcats, for attacking the Enterprise herself the Warthog can use it's AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground missiles, these missiles have a range of about 27km and has a 136kg blast fragmentation warhead, just one of these missiles can break through the flight deck shield that she has, and the ensuing explosion would immediately eliminate her, not only that, the A-10 would be outside the range of AA fire from the Enterprise.
As for the dragon, she's fast and agile but doesn't have any armor whatsoever, and her attack range is somewhat limited at only 100m (even the Hellcat's guns can reach up to 1km), the A-10 can approach her from an unexpected direction, gain a firing solution, and use it's superior gun range or it's missile to attack, one AiM-9 or a couple hundred rounds of 30mm HE should do the trick, thing is though, she has way more visibility of her surroundings compared to the A-10, her fire attacks can basically aim 360°, and her eyesight is also about 6 times better (it's only good up to around 40 meters but still), so much thought must be given in finding a way to attack her without crisping the aircraft.