Alright, by request I have come again with yet another battle analysis.
So, this is actually quite a lot more complex than previous comparisons, the amount of factors, numbers, and strategies involved are way too much to be compressed into paragraphs, but still I will try to explain in a concise but understandable way.
Strength wise, the Recon Squad is a battalion sized unit with a total of about 1,500 soldiers in 5 companies, HQ, A, B, C, Force, and Tank company, with reconnaissance as their main mission, weapons wise they used standard army weapons, that is M16s, M4s, and M249s, however no guns are bigger than the Mk.19 40mm grenade launcher, this is due to their primary mission, so for anti armor and anti structures work would be relegated to the tank company, this company consists of 14 tanks in 3 platoons and a command element, the command element would operate the most advanced tank in the picture, the M60 AMBT, the two other platoons operates the M48A1 Patton, and the last operated the M41A1 Bulldog.
On the other side, Anime Task Force is also a battalion sized unit, however this time consisting of only 5 companies totaling up to roughly 1,250 soldiers, the companies are HQ, infantry, mechanized infantry, tank, and support, from what available information I can gather, their weapons ranged from US made guns such as M4s and M16s to Soviet made weapons such as Ak-47 and AKMs, however this time they did use heavier weapons, but only the RPG-7, for armored vehicles they used the M51 Super Sherman as their main tank, and the M3 Half-Track as their APCs, their primary mission is most probably to operate in a certain area, either to defend or attack against enemy forces, which is why their organization and weapons selection is slightly broader than the Recon Squad, oh and yes they also have the dragon and the ship.
Do note though that this is all educated guessing, I structured both armies based on US Army's organization structure and as for weapons it's all based on the pictures given, US Army loadouts, as well as looking up old posts from the first ever AAA vs AGA war (War In January as I called it) because the Anime Task Force uniform looks very reminiscent of a post that came from that era, this is where I got Anime Task Force's weapon loadouts from.