Does everyone here understand that Roe V Wade is about states rights, not the legality of abortion? If abortion is legal in your state, R v W changes nothing. If you think abortion should be legal, have your state make it legal and there is nothing to fight about. If your state thinks it should be illegal, maybe you live in a state that doesn't share your views. Instead of making everyone in your state change to your view, consider changing yourself, moving or accepting the prevailing opinion of your state.
For the record, I'm left of Bernie on this one. Most on the right accept terminating a pregnancy up to the age when the baby can't medically live outside of the mothers body. The left favors allowing parents to kill their baby all the way up to the moment of birth. I think killing a viable baby moments before birth is an arbitrary milestone. I think parents should be able to kill their babies all the way up until they move out of the house and live on their own. The whole birth moment thing is just a distraction.