It all started back in mid January of 2021. Cloud’s little sister joined both Imgflip and MSMG a week ago and made friends with Danny, that’s when it all went down. Danny (18 at the time) did an ERP with Cloud’s little sister (who was around 12) and she was disturbed by it and went with Cloud’s cousins to a movie theater and when they were going home, a drunk driver rammed their car into the car Cloud’s sister was on. She wasn’t wearing her seatbelt and she died instantly. By the time Cloud discovered it, it was too late and the damage was done. Cue massive drama in multiple streams and on the MSMG Discord and a whole lot of other stuff to where we are today.
Really, I go by many names... CreepingShadow64, Lemon_Demon_oficl, Void_Memez, Selever_Official, FoxyVoid_Official, Annie_Official but my universal name is shadow or void
yeah... it is...
but Im not gonna pick sides on "this is true" or "fake lol XD" just in case it is true- but there are also some loose ends to this.
Like- if she did make an imgflip account, where is it?
if it was January 2021 i was definitely active then. I also remember drama between Danny and Cloud and her sister but i didn’t know it was that bad. i haven’t been able to get discord.
i’ve been on MSMG since late summer 2020
1 up, 3y
Well then I guess you almost miss it
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
I mean, well at least you know that there’s an argument between Danny, Cloud, and Cloud sis