But of course how would you know that, you don't watch Rachel Maddow,,,
1 up, 3y,
2 replies
LOL i thought trump was the president because his election was "stolen"!
3 ups, 3y,
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Does what I said sound like I think Biden won this election without massive voter fraud?
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2 ups, 3y,
6 replies
That proves NOTHING. You are still trying to tell us that we didn't see what we saw.
1 up, 3y
here's how the capitol thing went down.
1 up, 3y,
1 reply
fake news doesn't make trump's claims any less illegitimate.
0 ups, 3y
You can call anything fake news just to discredit it. Another gift that Obama gave us was to repeal a law that prevented the new media from publishing propaganda. Almost immediately after that bill was signed the term "fake news" popped up from the left. The media can print all of the leftist propaganda they want but the moment it is rebutted with the truth the left has their minions out there calling "fake news".
Now you guys have gotten Facebook and Twitter passing out warnings against any type of rebuttal to your propaganda.
The other intention of what Obama did was to publish so many different articles about the same thing that no one ever really know what is true. It is just another way of manipulating and controlling the population.
0 ups, 3y
link to obamas repeal law?
i see nothing wrong with facebook telling people that ivermectin and bleach misinformation has been questioned by legitimate people.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
how is video irresponsible? you just don't like hearing what he had to say?
0 ups, 3y
No. I'll have to watch it again when I have time. There is a whole lot I have to say about that video but I need to watch again and this time all the way to the end.
0 ups, 3y,
1 reply
"You are still trying to tell us that we didn't see what we saw."
did you see this?
0 ups, 3y
That is irresponsible "journalism" on the part of the NY Times.
0 ups, 3y,
2 replies
blanket pardons promised, blanket promises NOT delivered :)
And you're trying to tell me that Rolling Stone Magazine is a credible source? They aren't blanket pardons. They arrested more than double the number of rioters and without any formal charges. It is not a "pardon" when you arrest someone who hasn't committed a crime.
But arresting the innocent is something the left has been doing ever since Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act of 2012. It gave the government the power to indefinitely detain people they "suspect" of being a terrorist. Then they pretty much defined everyone who is not a left wing radical a terrorist. After Trump was elected Ted Cruz put an end to that but I have no doubt that Biden either already has or will soon be bringing that all back. That the kind of Nazis that you leftists keep voting for.