Try saying the name of the-country-that-can't-be-named to someone mocking your own ancestory here.
Or referring to you - yes, YOU - as per the nature of your 'Kumbaya' posts, which, in fact, earned an 'associate' of mine their first timer earlier this year.
You get away with slaughter (note you said nothing of getting timers) to the point that it's been suggested by some that, well, let's just say who you really are has been the subject, of, well, speculation (Full disclosure: Not saying I buy into that fantasizing, lest I get me another timer for a false accusation).
When you get one for simply saying "boo hoo" to someone, or "kid" or "mUh OttOcar wReCkeD" or "ROLF SMHID" to someone who posts nothing but that all day, you let me know.
You also have my permish to peruse the posts of these mods and see if you can find any Lefties among them, with 2 at most not being clear cut Righties. Seems Graeystone can use your help.