Why do you choose to follow a mythology that tells rape survivors they must marry their rapist or be stoned to death? What part of that appeals to you?
Who are the ones forcing experimental medical treatments on people who don’t want them? Who are the ones calling parents objecting to their children being taught things they disagree with “terrorists”?
If you want to know what leftists are doing, look at what they accuse the right of.
Freedom from a Federally imposed religion courtesy of Congress is guaranteed in the Constitution.
The provision was meant to protect States' Rights in terms of state relgion should they so choose, which some had in the past and in fact a couple still have on the books, not that they enforce it anymore.
Hope this helps alleviate the confusion and ease that massive dollop of whining.
...Ok...that just disproved the point that you were attempting to make earlier but...ok.
It's adorable how you made my point for me without being able to show why giving people a choice about getting a vaccine is somehow unconstitutional. Maybe ask your teacher for help on this one?
By the way, these teachers are essentially saying, "We're going to brainwash your children to hate you." If threats of violence are ever justified, that's about the right place.