From your own source: “the only differences between licensing a COVID-19 vaccine versus previous vaccines will involve speed and manpower. Dowdy likened the process to getting a passport, saying that while passport processing can take months because of the volume of applications, people can apply to expedite the process. This does not make the process less rigorous; it just means that a certain application is moved to the front of the line.”
So spare us your ignorant rant that the vaccines aren’t fully tested.
It’s ignominious to call people who get vaccinated “lab rats”. Unlike rats, they do it willingly and the ones who actually did get the vaccine during the trial period were selfless and brave so that people like you can have the choice of getting a fully tested vaccine.
I could give a lab rat’s ass weather or not you get vaccinated. I’m just correcting your false claim that the vaccines are still in trial phase.
As for long term studies, of course they’re aren’t any. But there also aren’t any long term studies of the effects of the Covid-19 disease either. So, you’re just as much at risk as vaccinated people.