Such as what? I'm not saying there aren't gay republicans, I remember when Denny hastert was caught with a little boy fetish, I'm sure the deep state has dirt on lots and lots of people which gets them to bend to their will on votes or else they "release the tapes", so I'm not gonna be the one to (try) and say conservatives don't have the same proclivities as everyone else, just that people on the left feel a need to advertise their kink then demand acceptance of it, my only option is my "right to remain silent" about it, while leftists are "in your face" about it, every day in every way. "Deviant freak" is my rubbing a small amount of salt where I can rub it, I was actually surprised this notification wasn't my warning that a comment had been removed because of hurt feewings over my "hate speech", my problem is not that people have varying ranges of kinks as humans, my problem is the required acceptance of all of them, while someone on your side does not have to accept me or my opinion at all, it's a one way street where the freakier and more outlandish and advertising of a proclivity the more that particular person is championed by the "news" and everyone else and I'm required to nod in agreement to it. Whatever happened to "what happens in my bedroom is no ones business but me and my partner"? That has morphed into "What happens in my bedroom is no ones business but me and my partner so keep your nose out of my bedroom, oh BTW, this is exactly what's going on in my bedroom with me and my partner and why are you such a phobing phober of everything phobable and wont accept it". Well, which is it? Do you want people to stay out of your bedroom or do you want them to know all about it? To me that's bipolar thinking that indicates a mental issue as well as a sexuallly deviant kink.