You can try and claim Fox didn't actually mean "liberal/commie" plots (for CONTROL) if you want to but it does straight up says "radical left" and in any case the "who is being blamed" part of the equation is more or less irrelevant as far as my point...... Fox ranted about the vaccine, masks, "passports", being about about (whatever group) trying to CONTROL the public and more or less sh*tting on attempts at preventative measures, while remaining silent about their own. Not exactly a surprise they don't bite the hand that feeds but anyways...... a few quotes from Fox news:
Fox and friends Brian Kilmeade [aggressively] "they're going to knock on your door, they're going to demand that you take it, and THEY'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU THST THIRD SHOT!"
...similar to the screenshot above, implying they'll do it by force...
Tucker Carlson- "it makes you think.. once you think about it, that maybe none of this is about covid, maybe this is about SOCIAL CONTROL"
Lara Trump, fox news contributor - "This has never been about following the science, the facts or the truth, it's been about control from day 1"
Various other quotes from Fox
"when it comes to medical information..they have become like the Taliban."
"East german style show me your papers.."
"Medical apartheid..."
"Unless you really have a compelling case, no one under 30 should be getting these vaccines".
"flight attendants [getting people to wear masks] are like Nazis of the air"....
"Enforcing segregation... New Jim crow laws" (I think that^ was also Tucker Carlson)
It's interesting the vast majority of all of this talk about covid being about a power trip, controlling the public, etc is also quite often parroted here. Like every day. Plot vs plan vs plandemic it's all the same sh*t. Also kind of interesting that screenshot I got from fox essentially contains a meme. Makes me wonder if there is anything happening there which does not overlap with concepts being circulated here.