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We should all work WITH Biden. Not AGAINST him.

1,154 views 6 upvotes Made by Mr.Cohaagen 4 years ago in politics
0 ups, 4y
GQP never said truth mattered, it is all about hood winking the sheep/cult followers
2 ups, 4y,
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Fox's "news" has also ranted about vaccines, masks, "vaccine passports", etc as liberal / commie plots and sh*t like that... Meanwhile apparently Fox news is entering all of it's employees into a vaccine database and requiring masks in small rooms.
0 ups, 4y,
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As some one who actually watches Fox news, I can unequivocally state you are full of shit. Fox has NEVER called any of those things "liberal/commie" plots. Fox has always quoted the CDC, Fauci, and anyone else when they make their reports. Nothing about "commie plots"
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
You can try and claim Fox didn't actually mean "liberal/commie" plots (for CONTROL) if you want to but it does straight up says "radical left" and in any case the "who is being blamed" part of the equation is more or less irrelevant as far as my point...... Fox ranted about the vaccine, masks, "passports", being about about (whatever group) trying to CONTROL the public and more or less sh*tting on attempts at preventative measures, while remaining silent about their own. Not exactly a surprise they don't bite the hand that feeds but anyways...... a few quotes from Fox news:

Fox and friends Brian Kilmeade [aggressively] "they're going to knock on your door, they're going to demand that you take it, and THEY'RE GOING TO GIVE YOU THST THIRD SHOT!"

...similar to the screenshot above, implying they'll do it by force...

Tucker Carlson- "it makes you think.. once you think about it, that maybe none of this is about covid, maybe this is about SOCIAL CONTROL"

Lara Trump, fox news contributor - "This has never been about following the science, the facts or the truth, it's been about control from day 1"

Various other quotes from Fox
"when it comes to medical information..they have become like the Taliban."

"East german style show me your papers.."

"Medical apartheid..."

"Unless you really have a compelling case, no one under 30 should be getting these vaccines".

"flight attendants [getting people to wear masks] are like Nazis of the air"....

"Enforcing segregation... New Jim crow laws" (I think that^ was also Tucker Carlson)

It's interesting the vast majority of all of this talk about covid being about a power trip, controlling the public, etc is also quite often parroted here. Like every day. Plot vs plan vs plandemic it's all the same sh*t. Also kind of interesting that screenshot I got from fox essentially contains a meme. Makes me wonder if there is anything happening there which does not overlap with concepts being circulated here.
0 ups, 4y
You may want to live in an authoritarian environment.

Most of us don't.

I stand by my previous statement.
1 up, 4y,
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Be fair now . . . our leftists only KNOW what such publications as -- say -- the Daily KOS tells them that Fox News did or said. They don't DO . . . independent research or -- shudder! -- think for themselves.
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Hi. Guy who doesn't think for himself or do independent research here.

Beyond all the quotes I just responded to that other dude with, my very own dumbass neighbors are glued to Fox news on their TV every time I go there... and SURPRISE... they refuse to get vaccinated! (despite falling under multiple circumstances putting them at high risk for covid). Anecdotal sure... But that is my direct reality. I personally know literally nobody else who is anti-vaxx and literally nobody else who regularly watches fox news.... Interesting "coincidence" that they both happen to be the same people.
0 ups, 4y
And you are glued to CNN
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I guess you missed the lament from two weeks ago BY leftist media outlets that just as many -- supposedly Dem Party voting -- minority citizens are refusing the experiemental vaccinations for a virus with a 99.8% recovery rate as -- according to leftist myth -- Trump supporters. Oh . . . dear!
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I actually don't watch too much media "leftist" or otherwise but I did recently see this while responding to someone else.

Maybe Trump supporters are catching up now for the month of August idk. There is definitely no shortage of retrumplicans downplaying covid and sh*tting on the vaccines here on imgflip though. Or at the very least I think I'm still yet to see a single Dem doing that.

As far as your figure.. that's cool. My direct family and friends of family have been hospitalized and died from covid. Guess they were just lucky. Also, as far as the "experimental vaccines" I understand Pfizer just got fully authorized by the FDA. But ya watch out you might get accidentally magnetized or whatever. Lol
0 ups, 4y,
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0 ups, 4y,
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Lol I know right. He really got his ass handed to him in the election.
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And Biden is getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of goat herders
0 ups, 4y
Biden is getting us out of that money pit better than anyone else. Good for him. Ice Creams all around. If anyone can find the actual president of Afghanistan give him one too. Lol
0 ups, 4y,
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The FDA 'approval' for the Pfizer vaccine was dramatically rushed through the process for political reasons via demands from a leftist controlled government and thus that negates any aspect of 'science' that was supposed to have been involved in the process that was supposed to take at least TWO MORE YEARS. The entire leftist control and manipulation scam depends on citizens being too stupid to think for themselves.
0 ups, 4y
Not sure how your "rushed through for political reasons" theory makes sense even theoretically. What difference would it make if the process took 2 more years? Assuming he doesn't keel over, he's going to be in there for 3 more years regardless of the FDA status of the vaccine.
1 up, 4y
They don't "know" anything about what they talk about...they regurgitate what they have been TOLD to repeat, very much like a trained parrot 🦜
2 ups, 4y,
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So what you are saying is that the military took over after Biden screwed up by ordering the military to evacuate BEFORE the civilians were gotten out and THEY are the ones making the air lift happen while Biden hides in his basement. Nice!

Of course that still means that Biden not only turned the entire nation over to the enemy Taliban but re-armed them with free state of the art U.S. weaponry. Quick! Party loyal leftists, crank the frantic spinning of reality up for Biden again!
2 ups, 4y,
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Actually Trump re-ignited the Taliban and had over 5000 of them released including the man who is now their President who was imprisoned for "crimes against humanity." But that is right up the alley for Trump supporters and insurrectionists. (There is video of Trump praising the Mullah.)
And BTW, Biden didn't go on a golf trip like Trump did during crisis. Biden has not stopped working on this and has got the help of private business to assist and even Airbnb to house thousands of refugees. Biden has done an incredible job these past two weeks despite being sabotaged on purpose by Trump and Pompeo.
And yes, Joe should have secured Kabul and our allies prior to announcing the withdrawal, but his efforts since then have been exemplary. I have not been this proud of a President since George Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
2 ups, 4y
Mr Brain moved out and Trump moved in rent free
2 ups, 4y,
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Wow! How's that leftist propaganda Kool-Aid taste? It must be great since leftists gulp it down by the gallon full.

Trump dropped a MOAB on the Taliban to get their full attention before, during, and after negotiations to 'splain to them exactly what was going to happen if they rushed forward to swarm the Afghanistan forces during or after HIS withdrawal process.

But then the election was GIVEN to Joe Biden instead and those cowed Talibani KNEW that President Biden did not have the guts to drop any MOABS on them when they did what Trump warned them not to do . . . and they were correct. The rest is history that will remain true history no matter how much revision leftists attempt to perform.
1 up, 4y,
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Then why did Trump have 5000 Taliban released? Why did they meet with the Mullah after he was released with Trump's influence? Why did Trump pardon him for his "crimes against humanity." Why did Pompeo meet with him AFTER trump got his ass kicked in the election? I smell a rat. And you use all the talking points and greatest hits of the right wing Murdoch Propaganda Machine.

And if you think that Trump wasn't behind this Taliban takeover (which he was), then you'll agree that the same thing would have happened when Trump got out of there back in May as he planned. How much longer was Biden supposed to keep our forces over there? $300 Million per day with ZERO results from ALL FOUR PRESIDENTS. And Biden has only been in office for 8 months.

And turning it around and accusing me of lefty propaganda while slinging insults is EXACTLY what the right wing radical conspiracy theory robots do. Complete with Fox News catch phrases and scare words.

And you are 100% correct. The election was DEFINITELY "given" to Biden by 84 million voters who did not want to see Trump and his American Taliban terrorists bring us closer to a state of pure fascism. After 10 months, we are still waiting for someone to show us otherwise. So get over it snowflake. Your Koolaid is getting warm.
0 ups, 4y
You do know that it was all covered in the news at the time? Had there been any issue there then the Trump hating and fanatically leftist loyal mainstream media would have crucified him at the time and demanded yet another impeachment. The fact that they did NOT poop bricks over it at the time, however, indicates that there was no There . . . there. Logic 101.

Better luck next time blaming Biden's worst military dissaster in U.S. history on Trump.
2 ups, 4y
And now, "trump made the taliban" of course, it all makes sense now, he is the devil in human form, he causes all the suffering in the world, he made Biden leave so much equipment in Afghanistan for the taliban, honestly you are one of the dumbest people I've seen online
0 ups, 4y know you can't just blame trump, right? he's been gone for a while. stop throwing a fit and accept that biden made an unforgettable mistake and move on. nobody, including trump or biden, is perfect.
1 up, 4y
What you smokin' and where can I get some?
0 ups, 4y
50,000 people stuck in Afghanistan, he got 58,700 of them out, yeah, big math
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