Keeping nukes in your bomber planes swarming Taiwan is a death sentence because if one of them fall out of the plane in an accident, it will hit Taiwan
And screw everything up
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Nukes do not go off by accident. A nuclear detonation requires a huge number of pinpoint precision events to happen at once; the engineering behind them remains the most advanced in the world. Pretty much nothing other than another nuclear explosion will cause an unintentional nuclear explosion.
Nukes can be dropped and lost - THAT'S happened more often than most people think!
But then again depending on what it hits (like a building) from that high up, it would still cause mass destruction
Just much much smaller and no radiation
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No. It's basically a tin can at that point. You might cause a few thousand dollars in roof damage and the loss of maybe one guy if he was unlucky enough to be under it.
Modern nukes work by compressing the uranium to supercritical density and they do it with precisely timed compressive explosions in all directions around the uranium. A single impact in one direction will not achieve that.