Let me tell you why that’s a bullshit argument from the perspective of a Republican.
Let’s say you successfully make the majority of the conservative public think that the elections are rigged and the government still does not reinstate Trump as the legitimate President of the United States. Let’s also say we get to the 2024 Presidential election and for whatever reason we STILL put forth Trump as our leading candidate for the Republican Party. If the elections are rigged, and I stress the word IF, then why should they bother to vote? Will those conservative voters even vote?
I don’t think they will. Not the numbers we had in 2020 because we will have lost all confidence in our election system. That essentially means we’ll let the Democrats win.
Now, what if Trump isn’t the presidential candidate for 2024 because, gasp, we find a better candidate? And you STILL convince the majority of the conservative public that Democrats “cheated” then why should they vote at all?
Especially if Trump isn’t even on the ticket.
I’m sure there will still be some people who will vote anyway. Maybe even write Trump’s name in. I just think the unsubstantiated election fraud claims hurt that confidence more than any leftist media propaganda ever could and will do more harm than any good you think will come of it when it comes to US elections in general.
We already saw this in the Georgia runoffs and it cost us the Senate. I would not have it cost us any further elections just because one candidate, who honestly was just about as incompetent as Biden, if not moreso because he actually advocated confiscating guns, lost. He lost. He was widely hated in this country. He reveled in it. He loved it! His supporters loved it! He was a terrific troll in chief but overall a terrible President.
You may disagree. I know you will!
But the election fraud claims only will kill conservative voter turnout.
And hand Democrats the victory virtually unchallenged.
That’ is far more dangerous to me.