Actually, i got it back in March. That was MY CHOICE, and that's what's important, preserving people's CHOICE. Back then, i did not believe we would get to this point. I considered all the government overreach of the time to be unnecessary, but still temporary. I thought that if i took it, and did "my part" to help statistics along, the panic would subside and we could return to normal. I was clearly wrong. Our "leaders" have tasted power and they will not let it go. Had I known, I might have abstained to make a political point.
I highly recommend reading 1984 (which i recently got around to reading). I had always assumed that those who abuse have some sort of endgame. But it points out (among the many other points it makes) that power is in and of itself an end. Sometimes people are subjugated not as part of a means to an end, but as a means of demonstrating and reaffirming power.
While we certainly aren't living in that society, yet, many of the parallels are frightening. I often cant help wondering if the momentum in that direction is too late/strong to be stopped.