I too thought that the Love America bill was something to be scoffed at.
But then again, I just spent (wasted) a day attempting to convince two people on this site that America is a Constitutional Republic. That the information was utterly baffling to them was depressing. That the information is easily researchable and yet they seemed incapable of applying basic research skills or critical reasoning was concerning. That they persisted in not recognizing a basic truth of America despite such readily available information... explains why America is the way it is right now.
Social studies, civics and political science courses do exist and they do teach what you say they teach (or should). However, it seems blatantly obvious to me that it is not enough when some Americans are so intrenched in idiocy that they do not even know the classification of their own government.
Based on these personal (anecdotal) experiences, I can say with all honesty that I now disagree with you... the bill is very much needed.