Because Trump is only totally pretending he's gonna be sitting back in the WH come August and the dunderheads you've done simply only nothing on this site but play an awesome game of Hop Scotch with since 2016 are just yanking your adorable leg about wanting to go to go shoot folks up to make themselves safe from, um - you wanna call home to buy a vowel for this one or maybe check the color coded patch on your lapel to see where you sit on their spectrum of things they aim to be ridding America of in the name of ye olde Second Cumming, or will that have to take a back seat to your calls for levitating vacuum tube choo choo trains ASAP that if Singapore can afford an entire 28.9 miles of, why can't we Boom Boom Boomers dew eet so lazy Millies can get to their nowhere PlayStation [see what I did there?] futures even quicker than they already have in 27 years in their upstairs bunker?