There is a difference between your denied right to free speech and censorship.
You’re very free to speak your mind but there are always consequences when you speak openly in a forum and expect to be heard, taken seriously, if not outright removed.
Sure, if the government is directly responsible then your free speech has been impacted but if it hasn’t, then you’re actually trampling on the right for corporations to protect themselves from YOUR influence that doesn’t represent them. Their speech matters too.
And if you don’t think corporations should have that right, then you don’t really believe in a free economy, let alone capitalism. You’re actually moving us closer to communism.
Ask yourself where your speech comes from and who is feeding it to you. If MSM has an agenda, then your sources are not absent of one as well. What agenda do they have? If you’re not asking yourself that or foolishly believe that THEY care about you, then you’re fooling yourself.
The fact the OP meme says Democrats and not the media or government is very telling.
No, the government shouldnt control the media. What you’re actually advocating for here is more government representation in the media, not less. Just your kind of government rather than the one we have. You are advocating the new world order while you fear the old, and pretend it’s been corrupted or taken over in secret.
You’re the very pawns you fear mainstream media has created.