This country has been divided in to two groups. Those who love freedom and those who don't. Those who don't are Democrats. Those who do love freedom are Republican voters (and not enough Republican politicians), Constitution Party members and Libertarians.
I find it bizarre that the left even has the nerve to call us Nazis and fascists when that is exactly who they are. They used to brag about Hitler and Mussolini back in the 1920's and 1930's. The left thought Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini were the men of the future. Then WWII broke out and the left started accusing us of being who they are.
We haven't changed. We think George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, et. al gave us the freest nation to have ever existed and that is what we are fighting to maintain. Yes, we once had slavery but we ended that, not the Democrats. We do not ever want that evil institution back. We have never had to hide who we really are because we are Americans. We have always supported the Constitution and our liberty. We have never at any time ever thought anything positive about Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini.
So if you believe in the Constitution and individual liberty and are a Democrat then you are on the wrong side. You are on the anti-America side.