Neckkneejawneck, try full sentences for a change, you lazy bugger, and I'm right on target since it has been discussed at length on Fox News Channel, The Daily Wire, etc. which has shown excerpts from Critical Race Theory texts as well as CRT creator's comments where they state in no uncertain terms that they view all whites as racist and all blacks as oppressed victims, so you need to shop around for better news sources.
Putin's Russia and Communist China are laughing at fools like you because they're enjoying seeing America fall apart with its shitty public education system, CRT adding to radicalism, the undermining of police, the rise of murder rates, rape rates, assault rates, etc. Meanwhile, they'll move forward while America continues to fall behind, but you're fine with that, aren't you, dummy?
Luckily, social media is not reality, so millions of Americans don't give a shit about what you or other CRT supporters think and they're going to be suing principals, teachers, school boards, etc. into bankruptcy if they promote CRT to brainwash children. Mark my words. :)