1. Racism and bigotry have a home in the Republican Party, no doubt about it. It wasn’t always that way — as recently as George W. Bush, the Republican leader made careful efforts to distinguish the 9/11 “terrorists” from the majority of Muslims who are decent people. (However, Reagan did also promote racist tropes like “welfare queen.”)
But can you imagine if something like 9/11 had happened under Trump’s watch? We’d have concentration camps around the country, and his supporters would cheer it. (Nevermind the multiple documented instances of right-wing, white & Christian terror over the past few years that either never caught Trump’s attention or that he actually defended.)
There are different degrees of racism too — hardcore white supremacists vs. casual bigots who probably just need sensitivity training.
The best way I can think of to try to actually quantify the number of racists in the Republican Party? Tally up the percentage who voted for Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries. They chose Trump over other candidates, mainly, because of his combative “build that wall” and birtherist and “lock her up” messages that made him stick out. That percentage is 44.9%
2. Trump supporters are gullible on some level. Especially those who actually *like* the guy. He’s distasteful on so many levels — a silver-spoon billionaire with a knack for self-promotion who’s failed in multiple actual business ventures (his biggest cash cow has been celebrity appearances), he’s been credibly accused of sexual assault multiple times and is given to racism, bigotry, and conspiracy theories.
Then there are those who feel compelled “out of principle” to vote R regardless of who it is because they have strong views on abortion. (I think anti-abortionists are gullible too, but for a different reason).
Some Republicans have left the Trump camp for various reasons, or were never part of it. But anyone who *continues* to support Trump after his disastrous 4 years, and especially the Jan. 6 insurrection, I find gullible in the extreme. My very unscientific estimation is 100% of Trump supporters at this point are gullible.
3. Lol. I’ve written too much already. I will say that the intelligent Trump supporters (and they exist) confound me the most. They’re the ones who have to engage in the most mental gymnastics. Other than that, I refer you to my above comments.