I would ultimately like to experience both penile and va**nal sexual intercourse, but I have zero interest in cis gay men.
I personally would feel far more comfortable dating a cute transgender girl than many types of bio women.
But transitioning after puberty is a genetic gamble as to whether or not a transwoman will pass (for transmen, they virtually all pass after testosterone regardless of their age). I've only met one transwoman IRL, and they didn't present as a female in any manner whatsoever, and sported more facial hair than I do. This person was only 19, and they probably have no chance of ever passing as a woman. I went to high school with cis het boys who looked far more feminine than this person.
I think the puberty blockers may be a necessary evil if it means less Gamestop Ma'ams and Riley Dennises and more Emma Ellingsens and Siri Lehlands... at least until we figure out a way to reverse the effects of male puberty in adults.