To me personally, the holiday is good but somewhat redundant if it only celebrates the riddance of Black slavery.
After all, we already have a Black History month in which we do learn about their past which certainly includes slavery. So, why this holiday? Why only the celebration of the cessation of slavery and not celebrate the other? That is, Indentured Servitude which practically enslaved Whites, mainly, the Irish people?
The Irish and other Europeans have first been enslaved since the beginning of American colonial period from the 1600's to the late 1700's. Some came voluntarily with the understanding that there will be lodging and food, but others were kidnapped. It lasted longer than Black slavery, and the conditions and life as were just as harsh and punishment very severe.
Obviously, there are clear differences between indentured Servitude and Black slavery as the latter had term limits of four to seven years and Black slavery was a lifetime.
Black slavery gradually replaced Indentured Servitude for a number of reasons:
1. It is easier to identify and find runaway Blacks than Whites who can easily blend into the populace
2. Freed Indentured Servants had rights, while denying rights to Blacks makes their labor cheaper
3. A lifetime of forced servitude is economically sensible as they can raise children into that state.
To be clear, I am not totally against the holiday, but since we have all other holidays for Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, and Women (Middle Eastern peoples are relatively new in comparison to those already mentioned). And, yes, it is only a day and not a month. Nevertheless, we're recognizing everyone... but Whites.
So, why not have one???