Quantitative Easing is basically the Social Security Administration buying Treasuries, which has made them their biggest buyer. A bit hokey, but rather brilliant too, the US gov't owning its own debt.
Again, every dollar that enters circulation is bought before it can be released.
That money people say we owe China? That isn't someone from the Federela Reserve sitting in a bank there hitting up a loan officer for a trillion or three. It's them buying the dollar via U.S. Treasury Securities because it's the safest currency in the world and their (manipulated) Yuan is tied to it. Being artificially deflated, it isn't worth a whole lot outside of China, so not the best bet to keep the country's savings in.
Taxes have to be raised and spending has to be cut, as our Fiat Currency is basically a pyramid scheme which won't ride forever.
Unease over Trump has caused EU countries - collectively the biggest foreign purchasers of U.S. Treasury Securities - to become net sellers of it since 2017 for the first time. Even before people have been looking for another currency (like the Euro) to replace the Dollar in world trade, something it functioning as the Petro Dollar has solidified - for now, anyways.