If you've done your research, you'd know that your whole entire argument of "incubation period for the virus before symptoms" rests on a false information spread early on. To this day, WHO, CDC and Fauci (emails) have not supported your claims of asymptomatic transmission.
To put it simply, if you don't have symptoms, you are not sick. If you don't have symptoms, you are not contagious.
Before you say that people with no symptoms get positive test results. I would advise you to direct your research towards faulty PCR Tests. Why faulty? Because, up until Biden's inauguration, testing on a sample was conducted in excess of 32 cycles, producing false positives. Live virus is present up to 32 cycles, anything above 32 cycles detects dead virus cells from prior coronavirus (common cold/influenza) you may have had up to 18 months ago. WHO posted a press release on that topic.