I hate how I keep thinking you can actually hold a civil discussion and that you'll provide *actual* sources with verifiable data. I hate how I keep thinking that someone can't be as irredeemably consumed by White Supremacism as you are. I hate how I keep engaging you in conversation thinking that you're a decent human being, but you're actually just a really, really, sick and twisted individual who condemns the entire left-wing because left-wing.
There are decent Trump supporters who were just misguided/misinformed about what's really going on and I don't fault them. The difference here is that I've pointed everything out to you but because you suffer from an acute chronic case of Leftist Derangement Syndrome, anything anyone to the left of you says, (even if they're politically next to you) they're wrong, horrible, evil people.
There are decent Republicans.
There are decent Conservatives.
There are decent Trump supporters.
You're not any of them.