I don’t care what their political affiliation is, or what they think they’re trying to accomplish. Boot that toxic garbage from Imgflip, it doesn’t belong here.
I have some experience interacting with native people of the Northwest Pacific. Their views on politics and government are heterodox, as are all racial, gender, or sexuality groups. You can’t generalize any group or expect them to behave exactly how you want them to.
There is no doubt a lot of justified doubt and skepticism toward federal government among Native Americans for historical reasons that are obvious, and emphasis on localism and self-reliance — that would push people with that background in a more politically conservative direction.
Specifically, we were dealing with an open-air landfill on Native land that was being badly mismanaged. Long story short, it was a situation with blame to go around. Perfect stewards of the environment, they were not being (another Native stereotype that should be questioned). However, “F**k the EPA” was something I distinctly recall hearing among the tribesmen. It’s not hard to get from that sentiment to voting for Trump.