"I'm having a civil discussion? You made a claim, I have only asked for you to provide your research or opinion. Nothing more." I beg to differ, you made an appeal to authority (or lack thereof) saying that only a virologists POV is valid. When in fact, virologists recommend mask usage, thus creating a paradox citing that the weight of opinion by a virologist is valid within the context of this thread would be valid if it existed, then implied that it never would. Given this data, I am left to assume that only a virologist on IMGFLIP would be a recognized source of information. So, who then to defer to? The majority of medical opinions that say that mask wearing is still important? Or, the minorities who prefer to make this a political issue? Hmm... Big brain moment.
So, the parallel to Typhoid Mary is that you would be a carrier if you don't get vaccinated, catch it and are unaware of the symptoms. Judging by the context of your stance, you probably don't social distance either. So, you invade the space of others practicing their safety measures and pass it on to them without knowing it. You never see those passerby people again and as far as you're concerned, you clean of any virus, and no one has died (or suffered) by your willful ignorance.
Statistics are nice, but they don't paint the full picture. What this death statistic does not paint is the number of people who survive and suffer life-long complicating issues from it as a result. So, I can't in good conscience recommend you to "do you" as that would be me suggesting you go on and keep spreading the virus in a world where intellectual darwinism is reversed.
I'll wait for you to rage and refute my point with bogus counterpoints when we have thousands of doctors and medical staff begging people to wear a mask.... And countless other medical staff and doctors who are dead because people didn't wear a mask.
Way to stick it to the government. The pricetag of "not being a sheep" has only been 500k deaths. You're a real American Patriot. [Heavy Sarcasm]