Well! This post generated some controversy. I feel some clarifications are in order.
1. First off, this meme is a repost; I posted it because it was funny, resonated, and I thought it belonged here. Looks like I forgot to indicate that in the meme tags, as I usually do when I think to. I don’t fully endorse its point, nor am I a Satanist, nor do I worship Baphomet, nor do I think the LGBTQ movement is Satanic as has been suggested here, but I do think the meme is getting at something nonetheless.
2. The point the meme’s getting at, as I see it, is this: What would cause someone in the LGBTQ+ community to feel anger toward Jesus or modern-day Christians to the point of making an image like this? I think it’s obvious: sadly, there is a lot of hostility and rejection of LGBTQ people among conservative Evangelical Christians and conservative Catholics. Not all Christians reject LGBTQ+, but a noteworthy number do. We have to talk about that. Homophobic Christians don’t get a mulligan because some other Christians are non-homophobic. They have to answer for their hate and their sins in a direct way.
3. My own beliefs: I have nothing against Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He was a swell guy and preached messages of universal love, tolerance, and acceptance that would resonate with the modern LGBTQ movement. Interestingly: although the text of the Bible is silent on this point: based on His biography, teachings, and outlook on life, I believe there was a good chance that Jesus himself was what we would consider today to be gay, or bisexual, or genderqueer in some way.
4. I consider Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be the founder of Christianity. A non-controversial point, but consider the implications. There isn’t a trace of homophobia in the sayings and teachings of Jesus Christ himself. The passages of the Bible which condemn homosexuality are generally found in the Old Testament, which is full of all sorts of barbaric and primitive stories and teachings. Example: The brother of a deceased husband is instructed to take his dead brother’s widow as his own wife. (Deuteronomy 25:5). Modern-day Christians rightly ignore that Bible verse and others like it as being inappropriate for the modern world and likewise they should ignore the homophobic passages. The thrust of Christianity as preached by Jesus Christ of Nazareth is love, grace, and acceptance. Get yourself a Bible which highlights His sayings in red, because they are what really matter.