Colleges? The degrees I have? You're one of those who says your one which is a possessive as opposed to you're one which indicates membership in a group as in you are one of those covid idiots. Come to think of it you are one of the covid idiot class. Not an insult, just a description.
Back to the colleges I've attended and the degrees I possess from a time when male and female was settled biological science, this is a stupid meme site, my credentials will mean nothing to you, so I shant bother with the extensive recitation, nor shall I present my resume.
Let me say this though, because if you do your research, mate, you'll understand (another one of those pesky contractions of which you're sure your usage is proper). I was responsible for the safety of up to 125 people who worked with me. I received extensive training in PPE, because using the improper equipment, or misusing the proper equipment as depicted by the photo in this meme, could at least threaten the health and wellbeing of my co-workers and in some cases would be instantly fatal (H2S gas).
Would you like a real world example? Of course you wouldn't, but here it is anyway. Many people who worked on the recovery at the Twin Towers after 9/11 are suffering horrible health issues. They were issued the wrong PPE, common dust masks, when they should have been issued at a minimum properly fitting carbon filter respirators. If covid masks are intended to save lives, these are absolutely the wrong mask. Wear one and sand sheetrock in a room, then see how much of the dust gets past the lifesaving covid mask. The virus is so small, all of the dramatic photos you see of it are taken by electron microscopes, not a typical high power lab microscope. No amount of covid paper masks will trap the covid virus. That is just fact, not politics, not distorted science, just plain old fact. Covid masks are nothing but a decoration, and a symbol of submission to the power of government mandate and our superior ruling class.