Ha, I'm definitely not projecting, I'll leave that for the professionals around here, who's names we won't mention. And yes, who knows what could of happened, and as we find out more, we will be able to all make a better assessment of the situation. But I disagree with you about not killing "kids", because they were teenagers; a recent sociological categorization of the modern world. This so called middle category has prolonged the growth of many people in the West, often far into their 20s, f**k, these days, far into their 30s, so much so that many are actually proud of the fact that their actions and thoughts are as simple as a child's (not to mention how these grown "children" dress themselves). Sure the world is not so harsh as it once was (though that will soon probably change as this country gets more polarized) but we can't let people off the hook just because they are 'kids'. And no, I'm not arguing for children to go back to the factories or anything, just saying how I see it. Cheers