Every thing I’ve researched on this in the past 24 hrs of being suspended shows that Democrats are on the left-wing of the political spectrum. This is one on the best explanations and it’s from a site that is considered slightly left-leaning.
By a global standard, the Democratic Party would be considered center-right and the GOP far-right. There may be some progressives and democratic socialists within the Democrats, but they are very few and not influential in the party as a whole. The Democratic Party is a liberal party that believes in markets and capitalism. They are at stark contrast with other members of the Progressive Alliance political international.
“If I can get through to just one of them, it’ll be worth it.”
I know they’re referring to kids, but aren’t leftists just like spoiled little children?
2 ups, 4y
Precisely so. Since Biden was handed the presidency I have discovered a few liberals beginning to wake up, shrug off the leftist propaganda, and actually start finally thinking for themselves, and then coming to the conclusion that the conservatives were 100% correct about Biden all along . . . but, obviously, this is a rare event. For most of them, leftist doctrine does and will hold supreme.
The Republicans don't want the government to control everything, huh? Just labor/unionizing, trans healthcare, same-sex marriage, abortion, gun control, border patrol + wall, domestic spying, flag burning, the media...
As opposed to Democrats wanting to control or abolish:
-trans healthcare
-same sex marriage
-gun rights
-border patrol/wall
-domestic spying
-flag desecration
-the media
-voter ID
-interstate travel
-vaccine passports
I guess we won't know that since the 'Convicted Murderer Cop' decided to skip that part in the Constitution about Due Process, Innocent until Proven guilty and all that and decided to take him out himself with his knee.
Quit making a Victim out of a Murderer, Rightwinger.
You're not a Medicak Examiners You're not a Coroner who specifically said, Floyd's Death was a Homicide, due to lack of blood flow to the brain caused by the Knee on his neck and back, and lack of oxygen. not suicide.
You're a butthurt Trumpist Killer cop lover because you Hate the Constitution, you hate America and the rights of the individual especially minorities for which it stands.
Two separate autopsies confirmed George Floyd's death was a homicide; Conservatives; Two separate autopsies confirmed George Floyd's death was a homicide; Conservatives