lokiare said it as well as I could (thanks lokiare!)
The bottom line with Trump's speaking style, imo, is that it's so conversational ( to be precise, it's imprecise) to the point that no matter who you are, or what you believe, you're gonna hear what you want to hear. If you want to hear him say go attack the capital, you'll hear it, even if he literally said nothing of the sort.
I believe that you, EyeOwnYou, will hear every negative thing you think he stands for, in what he says, even when he says something that's the opposite, or even something you agree with.
Sometimes we see those 'person on the street' interviews, where a quote is read to a person, and they're outraged (or they love it.) When it's revealed to them who said it, they're usually surprised (it is entertainment for the viewer, after all) to find out that it came from someone that most would not have expected to have said it. It's like that with Trump. I bet an entire TeeVee special could be done in that style, using nothing but Trump quotes.