Thank you, I appreciate all the support I can get! Unfortunately, this is one of my greatest accomplishments. Not sure if that says I haven't accomplished much in my life or if I was such a hopeless alcoholic that simply refraining from drinking something is my greatest achievement. Oh well, it is what it is. Every aspect of my life has improved, but that initial rush of better feelings is waning. I really want to try drinking alcohol again. My current thought process is to wait until I've gone 90 days and then revisit this idea. I'm pretty much all or nothing when it comes to drugs/alcohol, so it's probably a bad idea to even allow myself to try drinking again. That said, I have managed to hold down a very good jobs for two decades, all while drinking nearly every day. It's not as if I had to hit rock bottom before I stopped to smell the coffee. I guess I'm blessed that this is my biggest obstacle in life. Could be something much worse/more difficult to overcome.