Yes, it's true there were some during Trump's Presidency, but once his law & order policies were set, they became few and far between- Certainly nothing like the weekly (or daily) tragic events we're seeing now in the time of defund the police and Fentanyl Floyd. Aside from some extremely isolated incidents, the mass shooting as we know it today began in the 1990s with Columbine. That's when the cancer of Commie-Liberalism first began tearing apart the fabric of American decency. Since then they have continued with varying frequency, but seem much worse of late. I honestly believe the Deep State now have mind-controlled "zombies" who can be "triggered" to shoot anytime- very much like that predicted in the classic film "The Manchurian Candidate." These Zombie-shootings are very useful for the Deep State, as they can be used anytime to take media focus off "undesirable stories"- Like Biden's obscene anti-American Presidency and his horrible CRISIS on the border.