OK, I guess Imma have to explain all of this. So in march, they turn the clocks forward so we don't have to see the sun go down so flipping early each night. Why, you may ask? Well, there's many reasons. For example, oh, is that an APPLE you're eating? Well, where the heck did it come from? Farmers. They do a heck of a lot to help all of us, and they're the primary reason (i think) for this. When we turn the clocks forward, they get an extra hour to plant and harvest. Sure, that seems like a small amount, but it's in effect for like 3 months at the LEAST. 90 days x 1 hour, that's 90 hours of work they get to help support us. Still looks like a little? Over 50% of farmers work 10-14 hours a day.
So thats 5-9 extra days of work they get to support us and themselves. Plus, all of you who have a curfew of sunset (i mean, I'm not allowed out alone :')) get an extra hour to go outside. They don't just give an extra hour and not take it back. At the END of Daylight Savings Time, in November, at 2:00 A.M., they turn the clocks BACK, thereby giving us back our sleep. By the way, Memester, that thing you said? That's for leap years. Basically, One year is equal to 365 days and 1/4. And if you know math, 1/4 x 4 = 1. So every 4 years, they tack another day onto February to compensate.
I mean, even though daylight savings is helpful, it still causes problems. Yesterday I forgot it was daylight savings and I lived the whole day an hour behind the rest of the US.
Wow that was long, hope I helped.