Pffff, fair point.
Thing is, words can be fought with without any immediate danger. Guns, on the other hand, are usually a lot easier to physically hurt someone with.
Someone stutters a few words or mispronounces something, usually nobody gets hurt. Someone forgets to aim a gun properly and now there's a stray bullet going God knows where. (Albeit if they're smart they'll make sure their potential line of fire is clear by a healthy margin)
I'm in full support of making sure people who can safely and competently use a gun have the right to use it. But if some tricksy idiot or unstable psychopath get a hold of one, they can cause a lot of damage.
The reason the second amendment was originally put in the Constitution was to outline a preventative measure against a dictatorial/authoritarian shift in the government, along with personal protection. To take something like that away is to take away someone's optional best line of defense against an assailant, governmental or personal.
Not everyone is going to have a gun on them when someone threatens to shoot them. If over half the population carried a personal firearm on their person at all times, then maybe there might be less casualties from a mass shooting. But that's not the case, and so people are at a severe chance of death until someone can return fire. And it's not like we can just give everyone guns.
I feel something on similar to a driving test could work well, in terms of preparation, safety, and longevity. Not too intrusive on everyday life, but you have to be deliberate and serious about knowing how to operate the implement, and then get renewals/checkups every like 5 years or so to show you're still capable. That's like 14 renewals in your entire life if you get one when you're 18. It wouldn't eliminate gun violence entirely, but if you need something like a "general firearm license" to purchase ammunition, then people who are serious about owning a gun can still own guns and purchase ammunition for them, but people who buy a gun specifically to go killing people can't really do so on a whim. It's all about implementation.
Sooooo, what would you suggest? I'd like to hear what you guys think.
Again, going in here blind, so sorry if I seem a little too liberal, I just want to see what people who generally identify with the other side of the so-called 'spectrum' have to say on the matter.