I’m on vacation right now. I have an AR and two pistols with me. Loving my new Sig, BTW. The rest are locked in a 1000lb fireproof safe that’s bolted to the floor and has a motion sensor nearby.
0 ups, 4y
If I'm not home, they have my dogs to worry about. Or my neighbors. Anyone who tries to break in to my house is an idiot. But even IF someone breaks into a gun- owners home, do you think they could get into the gun safes?
Lol it doesn't really work that way. Have you never heard of the black market? You don't need a license to buy a gun. Also, no one ever said anything about only criminals not being able to buy guns.
Meh but neighborhood watch is about a community watch program where citizens keep an eye out for each other by calling 911 if there is something suspicious going on. It's about warning off criminals which is a bit different than Big Brother's eye keeping citizens under a totalitarian rule like in N Korea.