How dare people enter a country in possibly the only way they can to start a family. Polygamy really isn't a thing as much as you apparently think it is. A lot people have kids that they can't afford even though they work multiple jobs. But you're right let's let children f**king starve because of our structurally f**ked up economy and class system. Immigrants, nontraditional families and children in underprivileged communities don't deserve to live. This post is racist. The term "anchor baby" is racist rhetoric against central/South American immigrants having children. If someone came illegally from Poland or Germany or Sweden or any other predominantly white country, and had a kid on US soil not one of you f**kup republicans would bat an eye. I do say correlation v causation on your bullshit because mental health issues have existed since the dawn of time. It is only recently that society has made it acceptable to talk openly about. Divorce is up because America is pulling away from your idyllic, oppressive, uber-white, "traditional" christian idea of what family is. Two men and a child is a family. Two women and a child is a family. Three men a woman and 5 children is a family. If all you care about is 1 man 1 woman and not whether the relationship between spouses/partners and children is loving then you really don't care about family values at all.