No, go ahead, Tonzy, indulge me.
Name one animal (that's easy because there is only one) domesticated in Europe.
Name a plant domesticated for farming that you can build a civilization on.
Massive structures.
Empires (we're talking Western Europe here, not Southern, which as you know, had more in common with Asia Minor than the hinterlands of the north).
Sheesh, how many in your Top 10 aren't American?
Oh, and ancient civilization and the general works that go with them. I mean, going back to that 8000 years ago mark, not 2500, again, not Southern Europe.
Heck, while we're on that tangent, how long did it take the for the barbaric hordes of Western Europe to get domesticated by Rome? Why did they not - as your list most abundantly indicates - have nothing to contribute to civilization till the only 1700s?
Even your Catholic Church is a Middle Eastern import.
You posted a list of modern appliances, all having roots east of the Bosphorus.