Trust me I get it!! You are a subjective sheep. It is clear what I am stating. Americans regardless if they are Democrat OR Republicans need to stop crying about their "imaginary rights"
We don't have "rights" Americans have arbitrary "privileges" and that is all.
For every "imaginary right" you think you have there are laws and ordinances that restrict, and outright remove them from Americans.
I will provide just a simple example other than D.U.I check points. And it is one right wingers cry about the most.
The 2nd Amendment.
It clearly states the "right" to keep and bear arms "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"
Yet there are local, state, and Federal laws that dictate who, where and when someone can own or possess a gun.
And this does not include the countless laws that regulate all the other aspects of gun ownership.
1. Like having to inform a cop you are in possession of a gun during a traffic and are legally required to surrender it if the cop so chooses. For "his or her safety"
What about "your safety" from criminal cops and your "imaginary rights"
2. Having the gun is totally unrelated to the traffic stop and this unconstitutional law violates "right to privacy" and the "the right to remain silent"
I fully expect you to respond with "what if" scenarios and maybe crap about "proactive policing" But it's all just a cop out to excuse and deny the reality about America
You enjoy "believing" you are free and have "rights" you don't.
I personally care more about the Constitution itself than statutes and naming schools after the men who wrote it.
Especially since they either willingly left shit out like slavery or they were not as smart as we give them credit for .
You should go read Germany's Bill Of Rights and compare it to Americas
And no I am not moving to Germany lol
An American can never claim to be a "Patriot" while ignoring and even supporting the Police State we now live in