If you want to know who owns America (eg who we owe *serious* debt to, who influence our politics strongly by waving their magic-debt-relief-wand around)- take a look at Japan and China. Especially China. Their surveillance state rivals our own (which is bad), but they have a ton more people. Its hard to govern so many people without a lot of corruption, so we shouldn't be surprised that they already have AI removing the human element from that system. If you frown on a CCTV or smoke a cigarette, the AI will dock you "freedom points"- just a few; but eventually that might lead to your inability to use any sort of transit, use a cellphone- and on rare occasion that you do make a call- the receivers cell loudly announces that a BAD person is calling them, in order to shame them for knowing you. For reals. On the other hand, having a a *surplus* of trillions a year as opposed to our deficit of the same is kinda cool.
Also Marxist philosophy is grounded in scientific realism and evolutionary theory rather than the blatherings of a painfully stupid group of superstitious of literal flat-earthers who wandered the deserts in the mid east thousands of years ago. Aka the Jews. My people. The progenitors of the cult of Christus Yeshua the Nazarene, aka the Renegade Rabbi. Who was actually kinda cool in alot of ways. Unfortunately- the Roman boyf**kers took control of Christianity around the year 250, and the church wasn't keen on most of Yeshua's most cherished ideas. Like "don't resist evil" (no violence, period- not even to defend yourself- and no excuses), also conveyed by the phrase "turn the other cheek.") Romans hated that, and burned LOTS of people alive for adhering to the ways of Christianity 1.0. By the year 401AD, the Church of England made burning heretics alive a law- previously it was more of a frivolous pastime. Kinda crazy for a religion that is supposed to "judge not, lest ye be judged", and abandon the eye for an eye thing. Instead, Jesus wanted you to love you enemy, and offer them comfort- even the clothes off your back. The weird guy probably thought they wouldn't regard you as their enemy if you did that with sincerity. Obviously, that sort of policy got him killed. Not because vengeful violence would have been useful for him once he was charged- the Roman guards would have eaten him for breakfast. But because his message was radical enough to worry the leadership in his area. His influence suggests pacifism is SOOPER powerful.