Also, they added wrongly that it was trump supporters that burned down a church, that police were "impaled", that they were armed where the only weapons I saw were pepper spray, that Trump denied the national guard when Trump, in fact, offered to send 10 thousand national guard before the event took place and was denied because it would look bad. Everyone from the DC police up to the CIA and FBI knew something was going to happen. Most of the things the managers claimed were down right lies and manipulation of facts to try and blame someone for something that was planned "by both the right and the left" weeks in advance on Facebook. Just because some people did some very bad things does NOT make it Trump's fault unless he directly told them to do so. Would you blame a rappers for some one shooting a police officer?
Unfortunately, that's the left's narrative. Basically -Don't blame the shooter, blame the gun and sue the manufacturer. Or "believe all women" unless they're accusing a Democrat. Or what Pelosi, Kamala Harris, AOC, and other Democrat lawmakers and government officials say to actually incite violence is ok (including when they say 'fight like hell')... but somehow saying to march peacefully and patriotic to cheer on the lawmakers is somehow inciting violence?