What are you talking about? The left never gets blamed for anything. If they did Obama, Hillary and Biden would be in prison right now. Antifa and BLM kill and destroy all summer long and they get called "peaceful protestors".
A handful of idiots storm the Capitol building for maybe an hour and the left acts like this is the worst event ever perpetrated on America. Worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and the Civil War all combined. AOC is running around trying to say Ted Cruz was trying to kill her.
They left has always been the party of racism and yet you guys have convinced the nation that the right are the racists. You went from fighting to defend slavery, to enacting Jim Crow laws, to trying to prevent black births (Planned Parenthood), to lying to them that they cannot get anywhere in life without you and using them to put your politicians in office. The only thing your side has ever done for blacks is destroy their families and take away their hope. To your side they must be kept poor and hopeless so that your side can manipulate them into voting Democrat. As Democrat Lyndon Johnson once said, "We'll have those n****** voting for us for the next 100 years."