The existence of sexism is one thing. Accepting that it happens is another. When it comes to sexism towards females everybody knows and acknowledges it happens, however sexism towards males is quite often not regarded as such. Some people even take sexist measures against males thinking they would prevent sexism towards females with that. Which is in itself already a pretty sexist situation.
For example, in jobs where there are too many men and too many women, they find it acceptable to set a female quota. A male quote for jobs where there are too many women on the other hand.... Now I think the entire quota thing is already a form of discrimination in general (as they also want that for impaired people... yeah, like I, has actually has an impairment, want to work for a boss who only needs to fill his quota, but who'd rather be rid of me), and the way it happens now is just insane.
And of course when a men does work with children people assume him to be a pedophile and when a woman happens to be a trucker she's can have a hard time to be taken seriously unless she's built looking more "like a man".... And so we can rant on.
It's hard to say if the sexism towards males is different as towards women. Women are known to speak more openly about such things and men who do are often seen as "weak" or "wimps" or "sissies" (also a form of sexism) and due to that it's hard to get the way in which men are being discriminated in charts. My rough estimation is that it may happen equally as much, but since this is hard to check, I am a bit in the dark here. Some forms of sexism (towards both genders, and also to gender neutral people) are sometimes not even experienced as sexism, and as goes with all forms of discrimination some things are regarded as such while they are not. And when sense and nonsense begin to mix, it becomes even harder.
Of course the strict roles for man and woman have been upheld in our culture for thousands of years. it would not be realistic to believe they would vanish in a few decades. I was born in the time that women were expected to quit working once they got their first child and so my mother did. Today that would be unthinkable to even note that. So huge steps have been made. What doesn't help is that most of us does feel sexually attracted to members of a specific gender. This does influence our behavior without us even realizing it. Still this attraction and even the deed itself can and should be done with mutual respect.