Oh sheesh, I can't wait for your dumb ass, let me lay out the problem for you. How many jobs did Joe Joe Rabid Biden kill with the stroke of a pen in the name of saving the planet? 50,000. Prove that life on earth is not carbon based (even Star Trek talks about carbon based lifeforms). You can't because we are carbon based life forms except for most idiot democrat experts. 3rd--- stare intently at the picture of clouds and wonder what makes those soft fluffy little pillows in the sky. Ready idiot stick? It's water vapor, there is so little CO2 in the atmosphere you can't even see it (yes I know it's invisible, but if I colored it with at red sharpie you still couldn't see it). Can you see the clouds? That has more impact on climate than CO2. Ready for problem 4? Google Dr. Roy Spencer, University of Alabama, Huntsville. Gooogle will tell you he is discredited, he is not. I sat down with Dr. Spencer and reviewed his study with him and graduate students involved. It is scientifically sound and he backs it up with real data not computer models guessing the future. If computer models are so good they should be able to predict powerball numbers, since then are only a few hundred thousand possible combinations, the earth's climate has several trillion data points that need to be calculated for an accurate model, look up orographic weather for just one example of what some of those data points are vacuum for brains. The next lines in red are your imbecilic battle cry, you kind of know them. The last part is the science of geology and paleontology which prove seas levels were higher, conditions were warmer and CO2 levels were higher. In norther Canada I core drilled a coal seam over 300 feet thick. we brought up fern leaf fossils, alder leaf fossils and other tropical plant fossils in the coal. Geology uses as a rule of thumb that it takes about 25 feet of dead plant matter to compress and become 1 foot of coal. Now do 300 times 25 I'll wait, oh no I won't, you are so slow and stupid it's 7500 feet of dead plant matter. So nimble nuts. go back to school and pay attention this time, probably best if you start over at kindergarten. Idiot.